
DOI Outreach Meeting, 3 December 2015, Tokyo, Japan


The 2015 DOI Outreach Meeting, organised by JaLC (Japan Link Center), was held December 3, 2015 in Tokyo. The meeting demonstrated to the Japanese community the benefits of DOI in various use cases.

JaLC's official meeting page is https://0-japanlinkcenter-org.libus.csd.mu.edu/top/index.html#top_event.


The meeting program and presenters included:

Introduction to DOI (Norman Paskin, IDF)
Report on "Experiment Project to register DOIs for Research Data" (Hideaki Takeda, JaLC)
Registering DOIs for Research Data: updates from DOI Registration Agencies (DataCite, ISTIC, CrossRef)
Advantages of registering DOIs, including use cases from CrossRef (metadata feeds, funder identification, text and data mining, DOI event tracking, collaboration with ORCID); EIDR (movie and entertainment industry); mEDRA (rights management, Context Aware Multiple Resolution)
Diversification of Content, including speakers from National Diet Library (NDL), Institutional Repository (AMANE) and Airiti

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