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DOI News
December 2003
In this issue:
  1. OECD to use DOIs
  2. 43 National Libraries now participate in DOI Foundation
  3. Knowledge Resource Center uses DOIs
  4. Persistent citations
  5. Other News
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has announced that it will assign DOIs (via Registration Agency TSO) to its extensive bi-lingual online library, SourceOECD, which includes 1,500 books, 19 periodicals and 40 interactive databases. OECD will assign DOIs initially to this existing catalogue of publications, and will then work with TSO to develop the DOIs further into multiple resolution identifiers, giving OECD the capacity to link information resources to provide a richer, more responsive information service to its customers.
For full information, see the TSO press release "TSO to supply OECD with digital identification system".
The Conference of European National Librarians (CENL) has transferred the International DOI Foundation membership of an existing consortium of three national libraries (British, German, and Netherlands) to the whole of CENL. This extends the scope of the participation in the International DOI Foundation to 43 library members from 41 European countries.
*Related news: In October 2003 the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) joined the IDF from 1 October 2003 to implement the use of DOIs to persistently identify scientific data sets (
IDF's registration agency Learning Objects Network (LON) has developed and implemented with partners an online Knowledge Resource Center (KRC) for the Office of the US Secretary of Defense. The pilot Knowledge Resource Center employs eLearning open standards and specifications including the Department of Defense Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) initiative's SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) specifications, the IMS Digital Repositories Interoperability specification, and the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to uniquely identify and persistently locate content in distributed repositories. When completed, the resource center will include XML searching of SCORM metadata stored in LON's DOI registry service. LON has worked closely with the Association of American Publishers to involve major publishers in providing high quality content for the pilot KRC.
For full information see the LON press release: " LON Implements Knowledge Resource Center".
*Related news: " Digital Object Identifiers for Publishers and the e-Learning Community": a Report for the UK's JISC from TSO (September 2003) discusses persistent digital identifiers and their current and future use in UK education.
A recent study in Science on internet citations in academic literature demonstrated that in articles 27 months old, 13% of Internet references were inactive; earlier in the year, an OCLC Web Survey showed that only 13% of all web addresses registered in 1998 were still around in 2002 (and only 51% of those from 2001). The folly of relying on URLs alone for persistence is dramatically brought home by these statistics: DOIs as used by CrossRef are a clear, widely used, solution to this persistent citation problem.
More DOI Tools are now available to help build applications for accessing and managing DOIs, Application Profiles, and Services.
Look for announcements of several new DOI Registration Agencies in the New Year!
The DOI is a system for interoperably identifying and exchanging intellectual property in the digital environment. A DOI assigned to content enhances a content producer's ability to trade electronically. It provides a framework for managing content in any form at any level of granularity, for linking customers with content suppliers, for facilitating electronic commerce, and enabling automated copyright management for all types of media. The International DOI Foundation, a non-profit organization, manages development, policy and licensing of the DOI to registration agencies and technology providers and advises on usage and development of related services and technologies. The DOI system uses open standards with a standard syntax (ANSI/NISO Z39.84) and is currently used by leading international technology and content organizations.
This is a service announcement for the International Digital Object Identifier Foundation and has been prepared to increase your awareness about important developments to enable digital copyright management of intellectual property. For more information, please send your request to
Updated 18 December 2003

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