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DOI News
July 2003
  1. IDF publishes Progress Report and announces substantial developments
  2. Multilingual European DOI Registration Agency (mEDRA) launched
  3. TSO assigns DOIs to UK Official Publications
  4. Office of Official Publications for EU (OPOCE) announces intention to use DOIs
  5. Defence Technical Information Center (DTIC) joins IDF
Coinciding with its fifth annual members meeting held recently in New York, the International DOI Foundation has published (in D-Lib magazine) an overview of DOI progress. A great deal has happened in the underlying technologies and in the practical deployment and development of DOIs over the past year: much of the program of technical work foreseen at the inception of DOIs has now been completed.
The initial simple implementation of DOI as a persistent name linked to redirection continues to grow, with approaching ten million DOIs assigned from several hundred organisations through a number of Registration Agencies in USA, Europe, and Australasia, supporting large scale business uses. From its original starting point in text publishing, there has been gradual embrace by a number of communities: these include national libraries, government documentation; non-English language markets (France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Korea). The article also deals with some of the policy developments of the IDF especially in areas such as allowing community autonomy in using DOIs, and addresses some common misconceptions about the DOI.
The IDF has announced the appointment of mEDRA, a new organization following on from the EC multilingual DOI Registration Agency Project ( as a formal DOI Registration Agency, effective from 1st July 2003. mEDRA will initially offer DOI-based services in Italy, Germany, France and Spain.
mEDRA is a partnership of AIE - the Italian Publishers Association; MVB - a company of the German publishers association and ISBN agency for German language area; SNE - French Publishers Association; Editrain - Spanish publishing services company; CINECA - technology provider.
As part of a planned DOI enablement program, TSO (The Stationery Office) has just applied DOIs to the entire UKOP (UK Official Publications) database, creating a new and multi linking capability for resource discovery and permanent citation.
UKOP is the premier research tool for all forms of Government communications, including legislation and the published output of national and devolved Government. Using DOIs and advanced search features, UKOP now provides easy access to over 450,000 bibliographic records from over 2000 sources. Each year approximately 12,000 key documents are digitised and added to the database, making UKOP an essential online resource for public, academic and corporate organisations.
OPOCE, the Publisher for the European Union, have confirmed their intention to apply for the status of DOI-Registration Agency from 1st January 2004, with the intention of assigning DOIs to EU official publications (those produced by EU institutions or agencies, existing or to be created in the future).
DTIC® is the central facility for the collection and dissemination of scientific and technical information for the US Department of Defense (DoD). IDF is pleased to welcome DTIC as a new Affiliate Member of the International DOI Foundation from 1st July 2003. In addition to being a long term proponent of persistent identifiers, DTIC is a user of the Handle System (the resolution mechanism used by DOIs) and a founding member of CENDI, an interagency working group of senior Scientific and Technical Information Managers from nine U.S. Federal Agencies: CENDI is currently preparing a white paper on persistent identification.
The DOI is a system for interoperably identifying and exchanging intellectual property in the digital environment. A DOI assigned to content enhances a content producer's ability to trade electronically. It provides a framework for managing content in any form at any level of granularity, for linking customers with content suppliers, for facilitating electronic commerce, and enabling automated copyright management for all types of media. The International DOI Foundation, a non-profit organization, manages development, policy and licensing of the DOI to registration agencies and technology providers and advises on usage and development of related services and technologies. The DOI system uses open standards with a standard syntax (ANSI/NISO Z39.84) and is currently used by leading international technology and content organizations.
This is a service announcement for the International Digital Object Identifier Foundation and has been prepared to increase your awareness about important developments to enable digital copyright management of intellectual property. For more information, please send your request to
Updated 16 December 2003

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