DOI News
July/August 2002
- DOI Plug-in for Adobe products
- Corbis and Content Directions partner to implement DOIs for images
- Interparty
- Using DOIs for Enterprise Content Integration
- Latest members
At the recent International DOI Foundation Annual
Members' Meeting, held in Redmond, Washington,
USA, the IDF demonstrated advanced DOI functionality with the release of a simple plug-in
which can be customised to deliver numerous applications with Adobe products such as pdf
files. These can include adding menu items and tool bar icons to Acrobat or Acrobat
Reader, opening dialog boxes, and initiating processes. Among applications demonstrated
were alerting the user to the existence of a newer version of a document, showing up-to-
date related links specific to the document in hand, creating a citation for the document in
hand, and initiating a rights transaction.
Detailed information is available to IDF member organisations. IDF will be following up
this work with standardised functions, such as those described above, which can be added
incrementally and with packaging and licensing of the plug-in for distribution. IDF also
intends to follow this example of delivering easy-to-use DOI functionality through a widely
deployed common tool with other major software tools.
Corbis and
Content Directions Inc.
(a DOI Registration Agency) are
partnering to produce a new, innovative system for viewing, licensing and enabling
protection of digital images on the Internet that will help clients remain compliant with
image licenses, offer clients quick access to update or expand upon an image license, and
otherwise provide easy Web navigation from the image to an array of complementary
services, including for example links to destinations offering similar images for speedy
licensing. Using Content Directions' applications of the underlying DOI System will make
Corbis images used in a digital environment "active", and these active digital images
provide a powerful tool to navigate at point of view various licensing options as well as
other expanded functionality. Corbis and CDI are developing these applications to serve
the image rich environments of book, magazine and web-based publishing. Corbis is a
leading provider of digital media. With more than 65 million images, 2.1 million online,
Corbis offers a wide range of choice and is the leading provider of digital media to
professionals, consumers and emerging markets around the globe.
See the joint
press release
for further
IDF is participating with a range of partners in Interparty, an EC project to design and
specify a framework for the unique identification of parties (natural and corporate names)
in the intellectual property e-commerce chain. As with other activities (such as the
<indecs>rdd data dictionary now adopted by MPEG-21), this activity is based on the
fundamental principles of metadata interoperability introduced by the indecs (interoperable
data in e-commerce systems) framework, co-funded by IDF and underlying the DOIs
ability to offer interoperable identification using a variety of metadata schemes.
IDF's role in Interparty is especially concerned with issues such as governance and policy,
and also in the use of actionable identifier such as DOIs within the framework of managing
such identifiers.
GiantSteps Media Technology Strategies and Content Directions, Inc. (CDI) have released
a white paper "Enterprise Content Integration with the Digital Object Identifier",
quantifying the business benefits for information publishers of implementing the Digital
Object Identifier (DOI) to facilitate internal content management and to enable faster,
more scalable product development.
Bill Rosenblatt, author of the white paper, is a well-known publishing industry consultant
and book author, as well as having been one of the founders of the DOI system in 1994-
97. "The DOI system has emerged as an important, well-endorsed digital infrastructure
tool for content providers, enabling them to more fully leverage their core assets for
scalable product development, incremental revenue, and cost savings," he said. "Now with
the advent of Registration Agencies such as Content Directions, who sponsored this white
paper, companies can finally take advantage of commercial tools and services to
implement and profit from the DOI economically and reliably."
The white paper may be obtained free of charge by clicking on the white paper's DOI:
[This also provides a live example of the DOI
itself in action: unlike a simple URL, a DOI-based hyperlink link always remains valid, no
matter how much time has gone by since the hyperlink was first created, and no matter
where the link is disseminated -- e.g. distributed via this news release, populated onto 3rd-
party websites, discovered within search engines' search results, or even embedded within
downloaded documents].
The International DOI Foundation's latest member is TSO (The Stationery Office,, the UK's leading provider of information management services who
provide content management, web & e-business and traditional publisher services to an
extensive and growing client base, both in the public and private sector. A further
announcement about TSO's work with DOIs will follow in the next DOI news.
The DOI is a system for interoperably identifying and exchanging
intellectual property in the digital environment. A DOI assigned to content enhances a content producer's ability to trade electronically. It provides a framework for managing content in any form at any level of granularity, for linking customers with content suppliers, for facilitating electronic commerce, and enabling automated copyright management for all types of media. The International DOI Foundation, a non-profit organization, manages development, policy and licensing of the DOI to registration agencies and technology providers and advises on usage and development of related services and technologies. The DOI system uses open standards with a standard syntax (ANSI/NISO Z39.84) and is currently used by leading international technology and content organizations.
This is a service announcement for the International Digital Object
Identifier Foundation and has been prepared to increase your awareness about important developments to enable digital copyright management of intellectual property. For more information, please send your request to
Updated 16 December 2003
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